Ready For An ‘Empowered You’

An online course designed to help you ditch self-doubt and worry, embrace your true self, and build the real confidence you need to live your dream life.


As seen in…


You’re ready for more-

more confidence, more purpose, and the life you've always dreamed of. but….. something is holding you back…

Self-doubt creeps in. Perfectionism takes over. Negative thoughts keep you stuck. Worry and stress become constant companions. (These telltale signs of high-functioning anxiety cloud your vision and prevent you from showing up as your true self.)

Before you know it, you're caught in a cycle: overthinking, avoiding, spiraling —getting in the way of you living intentionally. But here's the truth: it doesn't have to be this way.

The solution? Ditch the self-doubt. Yes, it's possible!

It’s time to reconnect with who you are at your core, get clear on what you really want, and kick those old patterns to the curb.


Deep Down You’re

✓ Craving that confidence boost in every part of your life -facing challenges without losing yourself.

✓ So eager to rediscover your true self—the person who knows your values and strengths.

✓ Ready to put yourself first and finally stop people-pleasing.

✓ So over the negative self-talk, the overthinking the worry, the what-ifs, and the limiting beliefs that fuel your anxiety.

✓ Ready to break free from that exhausting cycle of looking successful on the outside while struggling internally. (Spoiler alert: You’re not alone in this!)

Imagine feeling so confident that you stop doubting yourself and start chasing your dreams.

This course will help you let go of self-doubt and worry, embrace who you truly are, and build the confidence you need to live a life that feels good.

If these words resonate, then you're in the right place.


If You’re Wondering…

“Is this even possible?”

The answer is “Yes, it really is. ”

And the good news— is that it does not have to be complicated. In fact, it can be easier than you think. With the right tools, support, and a little bit of courage, you can break free from those limiting beliefs and step into the empowered version of yourself.

So, are you ready? Because I promise you, it’s worth it!


The Answer Is Right Here

This course combines psychology, coaching tools, and actionable therapeutic stategies to help you overcome your blocks, build confidence, and create the life you've always dreamed of (and deserve).

✓ Build the foundation: We’ll set realistic goals that not only inspire action but also serve as your solid foundation for ditching self-doubt and building confidence.

✓ Unlock Your Inner Strength & Live with Purpose: Ready to discover your secret superpower? (Spoiler: It's been inside you all along!)You'll uncover your personal values and strengths to learn to use them daily.

✓ Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life: You’ll learn to identify and shift those thought patterns that no longer serve you. We’ll tackle negative self-talk, worry, and limiting beliefs that fuel stress and anxiety, replacing them with empowering thoughts and habits.

✓ Empower Yourself From the Inside Out: You'll learn to prioritize self-care for your mind, body, and soul, recognizing it as the gateway to self-love and essential for your overall success. You’ll explore daily habits that cultivate self-belief and discover that making time for yourself is not just okay—it’s vital.

✓ Bring your dreams to life: With the right tools and newfound confidence, you’ll be empowered to turn your dreams into actual reality.

Each module empowers you with practical tools and strategies that you will want to use and implement right away.


Hey there, I am Meredith,

What if someone who's been through it all could take you by the hand and show you the exact steps to become your most empowered self?

I've seen so many amazing women spend years in therapy, focusing on the past instead of creating their future. They've consumed endless self-help content but struggled to see real change. Sound familiar?

Here's the truth: Most women don't have the tools to ditch worry and self-doubt for good. But that's exactly where the Empowered You Course comes in!

With over 20 years as a licensed therapist (LCSW) and life coach, I get it. I've faced those same challenges – self-doubt, worry, anxiety, limiting beliefs, neglecting self-care. But my journey of prioritizing myself? It unlocked incredible energy, unshakeable confidence, and the ability to attract what I truly desired.

Now, I'm here to share those proven strategies with you. I've helped hundreds of women overcome these hurdles and cultivate lasting confidence and inner calm.

And guess what? You're next!

I promise you one thing - you CAN change. And I'm here to show you how, step by step. Let's make those dreams of yours a reality, because they're absolutely within your reach and 100% worth reaching for! Ready to prioritize yourself (guilt-free) and become the empowered woman you're meant to be? Let's do this together!


The Amazing Details (Because You Deserve All the Good Stuff!)

Access to discounted 1:1 Therapy and Coaching with Meredith for personalized support and accountability. *Offer only available for course participants.

✓ The Empowered You Workbook
35 pages of pure transformation to shift self-doubt, worry, anxiety, and confidence. (Value: $97)

✓ 9 Engaging Modules
Each module is packed with practical tools and actionable steps. It's like having a therapist and coach in your pocket! (Value: $197)

✓ Step-by-Step Video Guides
These videos accompany your workbook, providing clarity and support to ensure you stay on track throughout the course. (Value: $197)

✓ Exclusive Private Facebook Group
Join a community of like-minded individuals for added support, accountability, and encouragement as you progress. (Value: $47)

**And wait, there's more! Check out these exclusive bonuses just for our early birds. (Value $147) ⤵


 But Here’s The Most Important Thing

You Will Walk Away Feeling Empowered And Ready To Start Taking Real Action

snag over $600 in value for just…$199 (During Launch Only)

When you enroll, you'll gain immediate access to the Empowered You Online Course.

This is your opportunity to finally invest in yourself!


Bonuses During Launch

Dive deep into your thoughts and feelings with these prompts designed to help you uncover insights about yourself. Value $20

Kickstart your self-care journey with this fun and easy challenge that encourages you to prioritize YOU! Value $39 ** (First 50 people)

Stay motivated with daily reminders that boost your confidence and keep you focused on your goals. Value $20

The perfect resource to help you track your self-care practices and ensure you're nurturing yourself every day. Value $20


Raving Reviews

I was stuck in a rut so I decided to try out the Balanced + Well Challenge. It was only one week long, but I gained so much from it! I really appreciated the accountability and support given by Meredith during the program. I am noticeably happier and more confident after the program. I would highly recommend it.
— Eva M. (Coach)
I used to feel like a fraud at work, constantly doubting my abilities. The ‘Empower You’ course helped me identify my limiting beliefs and develop tools to silence my inner critic. Now, I present with confidence and finally feel like I deserve the success I’m achieving.
— Sarah J. (Marketing Manager)
This is absolutely the best program if you’re tired of being in the same self-sabotaging patterns. This was truly a gift that will keep giving. It gave me so much useful and practical information that I will carry with me for the rest of my life. It gave me hope and what’s even better is that it gave me the confidence to know I can do it. Thank you, Meredith
— Leslie T. (Mom, wife and human)
This is the eye-opener and wake-up call that will change your life.
— Laura C. (Pediatrician)
The women I met in this group have become my good friends. Hard to believe, but true. The validation and support I got was incredible.
— Bevin K. - (Photographer)
This was a very beneficial program that could be done at my own pace without pressure of falling behind. Meredith provided an endless amount of great information on each step that allowed you to complete the program with great life skills moving forward. I feel much more confident and aware of how to allow myself self-love.
— Jessica H. (Realtor)
Meredith is skilled at helping you change your patterns of self-judgment and negative thinking. These were getting in the way of me being the best mom to my kids and stepkids. I cannot recommend Meredith highly enough.
— Mary B. (Teacher)
This program helped me to create a better relationship with myself. I am kinder to myself and more patient with myself. I feel a deep sense of inner calm and peace. This inner work has been so transformative!
— Jen R. (Student)
After a tough break-up, my confidence hit rock bottom. Meredith’s course was a game-changer! Through inner child work and practical exercises, I learned to heal from the past and cultivate self-compassion. Today, I feel empowered to pursue my dreams and attract healthy relationships.
— Lisa M. (Entrepreneur)
I always had big dreams but struggled to take action due to fear of failure. ‘Empower You’ helped me understand the neuroscience behind confidence and provided powerful tools to rewrite my limiting beliefs. Today, I embrace challenges and actively pursue my creative vision with newfound confidence and clarity.
— Jane W. (Creative Director)
I needed the guidance to take time and slow down to get clarity on ‘me’, what I value and my worth. This program was less daunting because I knew I could take 10 minutes a day to do the work. Now I know what self-confidence looks like and that I was not looking at it right for so long.
— Erin E (Executive Director)
This program is FULL of excellent tools presented by an experienced professional.” I love that Meredith combines life coaching with traditional therapy. This slight difference has made all the difference for me.
— Katie S. (Stay at home mom)
I am truly a new person after this course. I am so much more confident in myself, my parenting, my business, and my relationship with my partner. I am more in touch with my emotions, my body, my relationships, and more. I am forever grateful for this course!
— Tyler P. (Administrative Assistant)
Before I started the Confidence program, I felt really stuck and lost. Now, I am more in tune with myself. I can manage my emotions better I can pause when I feel frustrated with my kids or husband. I have been able to reconnect with my old self and move forward positively in my relationships. Thank you Meredith for helping me reconnect with my true self again.
— Kristen L. (Coach and Athelte)Quote Source

 Frequently Asked Questions

  • This course is designed for anyone who struggles with self-doubt, seeks to build confidence, and desires to lead a more fulfilling life. Whether you're facing challenges in your personal or professional life, this course offers practical tools and strategies to help you overcome obstacles and really manifest your dream life.

  • No prior experience or specific knowledge is required. This course is suitable for individuals of all backgrounds and levels of experience. Our content is designed to be accessible and actionable, guiding you step-by-step through the process of building confidence and embracing your authentic self.

  • The course consists of seven modules, each focusing on a different aspect of confidence-building and personal growth. Each module includes video lessons, interactive exercises, downloadable resources, and practical action steps to help you integrate the learning into your daily life.

  • The following models are tried and true.  They are evidence-based, which means they are proven to work. Some of these theoretical orientations will include acceptance commitment therapy, positive psychology, sleep therapy, solution-focused therapy, behavioral activation, dialectical behavioral, and cognitive behavioral therapy. In addition health psychology, mindfulness-based stress reduction, the mind-body connection, and holistic psychotherapy will be utilized.

  • I understand you are busy.  But when you are feeling stressed out, and overwhelmed you are not being as productive as you could be. Oftentimes, we can’t get out of our own way and end up being less productive.

    So, if you traded out feeling stressed and overwhelmed for balanced and well, you would be more productive.  Learning these skills will create time and put meaning back into a more productive busy.

  • Yes, you are. If you were not, you would not be on this page looking at this content and exploring this opportunity.

    There are times in our lives when we need to prioritize our needs and dig in. In this way, we can be the best version of ourselves. When we prioritize ourselves, we also do a better job with our other life roles: as mothers, friends, and working professionals. This is your time to take care of yourself!

  • You can enroll now to lock in the best price and start whenever you have the time. The course is self-paced, allowing you to progress through the modules at your own speed. While some participants may complete the course in a few weeks, others may choose to take longer to absorb the material and implement the strategies. You have lifetime access to the course content, so you can revisit it whenever you need a refresher.

  • The course itself does not include 1:1 coaching; however, we offer a 1:1 Coaching Component as an optional add-on at a special discounted price. This personalized coaching option provides additional support and guidance tailored to your individual needs and goals. If you're interested in adding on 1:1 coaching, you can reach out to our support team or select the option when completing your purchase. Our team will be happy to assist you in getting started with personalized coaching sessions to complement your course experience.

  • Yes, the course platform is fully responsive and can be accessed on desktop, laptop, tablet, or smartphone. Whether you prefer to learn from the comfort of your home or on the go, you can access the course content anytime, anywhere with an internet connection.

  • Upon completing the course, you'll have gained valuable insights, tools, and strategies to continue building confidence and leading a more authentic life. You'll also have the opportunity to join our alumni community, where you can stay connected with fellow graduates and continue your personal growth journey.

Have more questions?

Email or DM @meredith.vanness directly and I’ll get back to you ASAP!


When You Enroll in Empowered You



𝗫 Feeling stuck and unable to pursue your dreams
𝗫 Living inauthentically and hiding your true self
𝗫 Negative thought patterns and limiting beliefs that hold you back
𝗫 The cycle of self-doubt that keeps you from stepping into your power
𝗫Constant comparison to others and striving for impossible perfection
𝗫 Putting yourself last on your to-do list



+ Confidently pursuing your dreams with clear direction
+Embracing your authentic self and living true to your values
+ Empowering thought patterns that support your growth and success
+ Unshakeable self-trust and the ability to step into your power
+ Self-acceptance and freedom from the burden of comparison
+ Prioritizing self-care and personal growth as essential parts of your life